Streets People Love Hobart - January 2025 Newsletter

Streets People Love Hobart - January 2025 Newsletter

The last two months have been insanely busy and productive for the team I joined to launch the Streets People Love Hobart campaign. We're rallying together the community and business support for Hobart's street improvement projects that make it easier for people to get around outside of a car and make our streets more enjoyable places to be.

Below is a summary of what we've been up to, written for a newsletter sent to our mailing list.

Thanks for joining us in creating a thriving and vibrant Hobart for everyone.

We hope you had a fantastic start to the year and are ready to join us for a year of place-making and community connection.

We’ve been quite busy since we kicked off last year and wanted to share these updates with you.

Highlight: Streets People love - Hobart in the Sunday Tasmanian

Our group's efforts were featured in the Sunday Tasmanian on the 19th of June. The article by Rob Inglis highlighted our mission to create a more connected and vibrant Hobart, showcasing our various initiatives and the impact we've made in the community. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to making this possible.

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Community BBQ a Resounding Success!

Event report: Community BBQ

We held a BBQ on the 19th of January in Darcy Street park to give people a chance to meet and talk about our ideas face to face. It was a lovely sunny afternoon and we were pleased to see so many passionate Hobart people in attendance. We're looking forward to more in-person events soon!

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More than $2000 donated so far!

Reminder: Donations and T-Shirts

As we continue to build our campaign we rely on the generosity of our community. We have set up a GoFundMe page to support our ongoing projects, and every contribution helps.

The money will go towards running events, advertising on social media, printing flyers, t-shirts and stickers and support for communication and governance.

If you can, please consider making a donation and sharing the link with your network.

Donate here

We've given out almost 2000 stickers!

Get involved!

If you are keen to get more involved in our group we would love to have you. Specific tasks that we need help with include:

  • letter writing
  • active campaigning e.g. door knocking, speaking at events and on radio
  • encouraging businesses to show their support by adding their logo to our website and/or sharing our stickers and information
  • letterboxing
  • writing articles and posts for our website and Facebook and Instagram
  • organising face to face events so that we can connect and build our community
  • attending council meetings and events in a t-shirt to show your support
  • graphic design/photography
  • other creative ideas welcome!

Send a message to [email protected] if you want to help out!

Thank you for being a part of our journey. Let's continue to make Hobart a place where people love to live!

Warmest regards,

The Streets People Love Hobart Team